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Toolbars in Angular (dnn-sxc-angular)

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dnn-sxc-angular provides directives/components which allow to place toolbars in an Angular App.

Prerequisite is an Angular App running with dnn-sxc-angular.

How to use

Place the toolbar directives/components in your templates. There are two different ways to place your toolbars, the tag-toolbar (default) and the inline toolbar, depending on the use case.

  1. In most cases, you will want to use the [sxc-toolbar] tag-toolbar directive
  2. In rare cases you may prefer the inline <sxc-toolbar> toolbar is useful when you want to show the toolbar without the need to hover over the target element.


We'll explain how to use toolbars based on the Template App.

Check out the team.component.html - you'll see some code like this:

<!-- #ExampleContentManagement - this shows how to use the toolbar with just the add-button for a specific type and also do custom view refresh -->
<div [sxc-toolbar]="toolbarFor()" (refresh)="teamSvc.refresh()">


    <!-- #ExampleContentManagement - this will create a delete/edit toolbar for this item and will also do custom view refresh-->
    <li *ngFor="let person of team; trackBy: trackById" [sxc-toolbar]="toolbarFor(person)" (refresh)="teamSvc.refresh()">
      <app-person [person]="person"></app-person>

  <hr />

The code of team.component.ts is this:

@Component({ /* stuff */ })
export class TeamComponent {

  /** The data which is shown in the template */
  team: Person[] = [];

  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, public teamSvc: TeamService, private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {$.subscribe((newTeam => { = newTeam; }));

   * Create a toolbar configuration for a person or for new
   * #ExampleContentManagement
  toolbarFor(person?: Person) {
    const mainConfig = 'toolbar=empty?contentType=Person&entityId=' + (person?.Id ?? '0');
    return person
      ? [mainConfig, "edit", "delete&color=gray?entityGuid=" + person.Guid + "&title=" + person.Name]
      : [mainConfig, 'new']

As you can see, the [sxc-toolbar] attribute activates the sxcToolbar directive of dnn-sxc-angular. The configuration for the toolbar is provided by the toolbarFor(...) call in the controller class and it uses the simple toolbar configuration system.

That's how easy it is to create CMS toolbars in Angular 😉.