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API of Connector Object in Custom Input Fields

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The connector object provides values to your WebComponent and let's you communicate with the form. Here's the API you need:


The connector object is attached by the form to your custom WebComponent before the connectedCallback() is triggered. So you can access it using this.connector.

connector API

  • data - a ConnectorData<T> object which has various properties you need to read/write values
  • dialog - a ConnectorDialog<T> object which lets you open/close details-dialogs in your component
  • field - contains a FieldConfig object telling you about the field, it's configuration etc.
  • field$ - an observable with the field configuration, will emit a new FieldConfig whenever it changes
  • loadScript(...) - a helper method to load additional javascript files
  • _experimental - internal API for things which do not have a stable API yet Object

The data object is of type ConnectorData<T>. It has these members:

export interface ConnectorData<T> {

  /** Current value of the field */
  value: T;

   * Client updates value in the host
   * @param newValue - New value of the field from the client
  update(newValue: T): void;

   * Client adds callback functions to be executed every time value changes in the host.
   * So call it to register your function which should run on change.
   * Use this if you are not familier with observables.
   * @param callback - Function to be executed every time value changes in the host
  onValueChange(callback: (newValue: T) => void): void;

   * Observable on field value
   * Use this if you are familiar with observables.
  value$: Observable<T>;

   * Fired before form is saved.
   * It tells your control that the form is about to save, and that this is the last moment you can update the value.
   * Used in case your input doesn't always push changed values, like in WYSIWYG and other complex input fields which may buffer changes.
  forceConnectorSave$: Observable<T>;

connector.dialog Object

This is the API to open a new dialog or close it again.

 * Responsible for opening/closing dialogs in a control.
export interface ConnectorDialog<T> {
   * Opens a dialog and shows a WebComponent inside it.
   * @param {string} [componentTag] name of the WebComponent which will be loaded inside the dialog
  open(componentTag?: string): void;

   * Closes the dialog
  close(): void;

connector.field FieldConfig Object

This gives you information about the field. For simplity in maintaining the docs, here's a copy of the type file:

export interface FieldConfig {

  /** Static name of the field */
  name: string;

  /** Ordering index of the field inside the form */
  index: number;

  /** Field label */
  label: string; // updated on language change

  /** Field placeholder text */
  placeholder: string; // never updated atm. Probably will be

  /** Input type of the field. e.g. string-default, string-dropdown, etc. */
  inputType: string;

  /** Data type of the field. e.g. String, Hyperlink, Entity, etc. */
  type: string;

  /** Tells whether the field is required */
  required: boolean; // updated on language change

  /** Tells whether the field is disabled. This is the initial value that was set in settings for this field */
  disabled: boolean;

  settings: FieldSettings;

connector.field and connector.field$ FieldConfig Object

The connector.field object tells you how the field is configured. Note that if you use this object directly, you won't be notified of changes. For that you should use the connector.field$ stream.

export interface FieldConfig {

  /** Static name of the field */
  name: string;

  /** Ordering index of the field inside the form */
  index: number;

  /** Field label */
  label: string; // updated on language change

  /** Field placeholder text */
  placeholder: string; // never updated atm. Probably will be

  /** Input type of the field. e.g. string-default, string-dropdown, etc. */
  inputType: string;

  /** Data type of the field. e.g. String, Hyperlink, Entity, etc. */
  type: string;

  /** Tells whether the field is required */
  required: boolean; // updated on language change

  /** Tells whether the field is disabled. This is the initial value that was set in settings for this field */
  disabled: boolean;

   * Settings of the field, as configured in the UI 
   * This is just a normal dictionary-object with keys having the same names as the fields in the configuration dialog. 
   * Note that most keys are PascalCase, not camelCase.
  settings: FieldSettings;

connector.loadScript() Method

   * Load a script into the browser - but only once. 
   * Makes sure that script with the same source is loaded only once and executes callback.
   * @param {string} globalObject - name on which is checked if the js is already loaded
   * @param {string} src - path to the script
   * @param {(...args: any[]) => any} callback - your callback function
   * @memberof Connector
  loadScript(globalObject: string, src: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => any): void;

Read Also


  1. Introduced in 2sxc 11.02