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These documentations are for versions before 15.x. They don't apply to v15+ but are kept for reference. We highly recommend that you don't use them.

DataSource Configuration: ConfigMask(...)

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DataSources often need settings which come from the App or from a settings dialog. The ConfigMask is part of the Configuration System and initializes a configuration value.

This value will later be used for

  1. Parsing Tokens to find the correct parameter to use
  2. Use as part of the Cache-Key for high-performance caching. This ensures that DataSources which have different data based on dynamic configuration (like using a URL parameter) will have separate caches for each value used.

How to use ConfigMask

Here's a example of the constructor of our SharePoint 2019 DataSource, which expects lots of settings:

public SharePoint2019()
  // Specify what out-streams this data-source provides. Usually just one: "Default"

  // Register the configurations as tokens; values will be injected later on
  ConfigMask(ListNameConfigKey, $"[Settings:ListName]");
  ConfigMask(SiteUrlConfigKey, $"[Settings:SiteUrl]");
  ConfigMask(UserNameConfigKey, $"[Settings:UserName]");
  ConfigMask(PasswordConfigKey, $"[Settings:Password]", false);
  ConfigMask(FieldsConfigKey, $"[Settings:Fields]");
  ConfigMask(TitleFieldConfigKey, $"[Settings:TitleField||Title]");
  ConfigMask(ViewConfigKey, $"[Settings:View]");
  ConfigMask(MaxItemsConfigKey, $"[Settings:MaxItems]");

This example adds 8 configuration masks - let's find out what exactly happens.

  1. Most of them just add a simple [Settings:SOMEKEY] so they will just take the value which the developer will configure in the UI
  2. The password has a special parameter false to ensure that it won't be used in the cache key (which would show it in certain debug scenarios)
  3. The title field has a fallback - so if it's not supplied, it will use Title by default

Read also

  • #todoc


  1. Introduced in 2sxc 9.13 to aid custom data sources