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These documentations are for versions before 15.x. They don't apply to v15+ but are kept for reference. We highly recommend that you don't use them.

DataSource Configuration: Configuration.Parse()

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If a DataSource is configurable, then the code must parse any configuration tokens before accessing the values.

This is done with Configuration.Parse(). It will cycle through all settings previously added by ConfigMask and resolve the tokens.

How to use Configuration.Parse()

Here's a simple example of the PublishingFilter DataSources:

public PublishingFilter()
  ConfigMask(QueryConstants.ParamsShowDraftKey, "[MyConfiguration:ShowDrafts||false]");

const string ParamsShowDraftKey = "ShowDrafts";
public bool ShowDrafts
  get => bool.Parse(Configuration[ParamsShowDraftKey]);
  set => Configuration[ParamsShowDraftKey] = value.ToString();

private IImmutableList<IEntity> PublishingFilterList()
  var before = ShowDrafts;  // here it's "[MyConfiguration:ShowDrafts||false]" which would fail
  var after = ShowDrafts;   // here it's `false` (or `true` if user is editor)
  var outStreamName = ShowDrafts 
    ? Constants.DraftsStreamName 
    : Constants.PublishedStreamName;
  return In[outStreamName].Immutable;

If we would read the ShowDrafts property before running Configuration.Parse() then the tokens would not be resolved yet. After calling Configuration.Parse() all tokens/values have been resolved and it works as expected.

Breaking Change

This command used to be called EnsureConfigurationIsLoaded() but was changed in 2sxc 10 or 11. We didn't notice until the new API was already widespread in use that older systems still used the previous mechanism.

Read also


  1. Introduced in EAV 4.x, 2sxc 07.00
  2. Modified from EnsureConfigurationIsLoaded to Configuration.Parse (breaking change, sorry) ca. 2sxc 11