Table of Contents

App / @App object Dynamic Code

The App object gives you full access to everything you need to know about the current App, including Path-info, access to all Data this App has, access to Settings and language Resources and more.

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How to use

Here's are two simple examples taken from the Blog App:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="@App.Path/assets/style.css"  @Kit.Page.AssetAttributes()/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="@App.Path/assets/scripts.js" @Kit.Page.AssetAttributes()></script>
@foreach(var tag in AsList(App.Data["Tag"])) {
  <li class='@("app-blog-tag" + tag.ManualWeight)'>
    <a href="@App.Settings.DetailsPage/tag/@tag.Tag" title="@tag.Name">@tag.Name</a>

The <link... and <script... use the app-path to ensure that the file is correctly loaded, no matter what portal or app-name is currently valid. Here you can discover more about the optimizations.

The loop iterates through all tags with the @foreach(var tag in AsList(App.Data["Tag"])), creates <li> items and links these to a page defined in the App.Settings.

How it works

Whenever a 2sxc-instance is created to render a page or to deliver JSON data, the App object is created and prepared to deliver everything you need. It's very performant, because it doesn't actually get any data or run any queries unless these are accessed.

App Properties

The app-object uses the IApp interface (see code) has the following simple properties:

  1. AppId number, current App id
  2. AppGuid guid, internal use global id
  3. Configuration DynamicEntity, contains the configuration content-item
  4. Data IAppData, to access all App-data (see below)
  5. Folder string, storage folder name in portal/#/2sxc/...
  6. Hidden bool, info if the app cannot be selected in the UIs
  7. Name string, the app name
  8. Path string, the path as used in URLs in html
  9. PhysicalPath string, the path as used on the server C:...
  10. Query["QueryName"] dictionary of queries (see below)
  11. Resources DynamicEntity, all the multi-language labels etc. (see below)
  12. Settings DynamicEntity, all the app-settings (see below)
  13. ZoneId number, current Zone ID (similar to PortalId)

Using App Data (App.Data)

Read App.Data / Object in Dynamic Code

Using App Queries (App.Query)

Read App.Query / Object in Dynamic Code

Note about Unpublished / Draft Content-Items

In case you're not aware of the draft/unpublished features in 2sxc, we want to note that each item can be live/draft, and each item could have a corresponding counterpart. So a draft-item could have a live-item (but doesn't have to), and a live-item could have a draft item.

This is important, because the admin/editor will see all the draft items, while the end-user will only see the live ones. So the exact items shown and the item-count can differ if you are logged in.

App Settings and Resources

In the App dialogs you can manage Settings and Resources. Basically both are a content-item with the fields you specify, the only difference is the purpose they have.

  • You should put button-labels, standard-texts, decorative images etc. into Resources and these will often change from language to language.
  • You should put settings like "what page is xxx on" or "the primary color is #53aaff" into Settings

You would normally use it like this:

<h1 class='@App.Settings.HeadingsDecorators'>
<a href="@App.Settings.DisclaimerPage">

As you can see, the HeadingsDecorators or DisclaimerPage are best placed in the Settings, while the label of the Disclaimer link are best handled as a multi-language Resource.

Read also

  • If you need to get an App object for other apps, read External App Use
  • If you want to use the App object from non 2sxc-code, like other MVC pages, check out External App Use

You should find some code examples in this demo App

More links:


  1. Introduced in 2sxc 05.05
  2. Stable since 2sxc 06.00
  3. Data-API was introduced in 2sxc 06.05