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Toolbar Builder Guide – Filter Parameter


The examples below explain how to use the filter: parameter. Starting in v15.07+ we recommend using the Tweak API instead.

The Filter reduces the amount of items shown in a Data-List.

It is given to the data command using the filter parameter which is an optional parameter and must be named.

filter Parameters

The filter can contain multiple filters to filter a list of entities in the admin-UI.

You could for example only show all items containing the word something. But the most common case is to restrict entities shown to these having a child-relationship with something else.

Example You may have a list of Books and only wish to show all of the books by the Author by the name of Daniel Mettler. You could try to filter by the name, but that's not reliable, so you would usually want to filter by the unique ID of Daniel Mettler.

Ways to Set the Filter

The following examples assume you're calling .Data on the IToolbarBuilder from the IToolbarService. So typically it would be something like this in front of each line:

@Kit.Toolbar.Default().Data("Books", filter: ...);

Basic syntax which worked ca. v14.07

// Simple relationship: Author has entity with ID 52
Data(..., filter: "Author=52");

// Simple relationship: Author has entity with ID 52 OR 302
Data(..., filter: "Author=[52,302]");

// Two filters (AND, so both must match)
Data(..., filter: "Author=52&Publisher=9306");

// The same as a object
Data(..., filter: new { Author = 52, Publisher = 9306 }); 

Advanced, simpler options requiring v14.07.05

// Values with Arrays automatically get converted
Data(..., filter: new { Author = new int[] { 52 } }); 
Data(..., filter: new { Author = new int[] { 52, 58, 29 } }); 

// Filter conditions pointing to an Entity
var someAuthor = App.Data["Author"].First();
Data(..., filter: new { Author = someAuthor });

// Multiple Authors
Data(..., filter: new { Author = new object[] { someAuthor, someAuthor } });

// IEnumerable of Authors
var lotsOfAuthors = AsList(App.Data["Author"]).Select(a => a.LastName == "Mettler");
Data(..., filter: new { Author = lotsOfAuthors });

See also