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Toolbar Builder Guide – Prefill


The examples below explain how to use the prefill: parameter. Starting in v15.07+ we recommend using the Tweak API instead.

The Prefill is used to prefill fields in the edit-UI.

Prefill can be specified globally for the entire toolbar, or just for a specific button.

It is given to the commands using the prefill parameter which is an optional parameter and must be named.

Prefill for the Entire Toolbar

Prefills can be set globally for the toolbar, or specific for each button.

To set it globally, you have these options:

  1. On the first creation of the object - eg. Kit.Toolbar.Default(item, prefill: "Title=new item")
  2. When setting global parameters eg. Kit.Toolbar.Default().Parameters(prefill: "Title=new item")

If your code does more than one of these, the last value will be the one used.

Prefill for One Specific Button

Many methods accept an optional prefill. Is that case the button would have their own prefill.

So you could do something like this

// Normal toolbar for Content, but also has an edit-button for the header
var tlb = Kit.Toolbar.Default(Content).New(prefill: "Title=Special New Title");

Prefill as String or Object

There are two ways you can specify prefill. Either as a string - like this:

prefill: "Title=New Title&PublishDate=2022-07-04"

Or as an object (since v14.04) - like this:

prefill: new { Title = "New Title", PublishDate = Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") }

How Prefill works with Parameters

Internally two infos prefill and parameters are merged.

So technically you could also set prefill on the parameters, but we believe it's easier to read if each is set explicitly.

See also the JS toolbar docs