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Custom Toolbars

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The standard toolbars are great for default use cases. But often you want to simplify the edit-UI even more, so that editors will be faster and make fewer mistakes.

2sxc 10.27+ offers a new way to build and create toolbars. Instead of the difficult to use object-structure it has a much simpler commands syntax. These are specs for the command syntax.


Read how to use in the How-To Customize Toolbars section.


The new toolbar builder works in this way:

  1. First, take a toolbar template - typically default or empty
  2. Then make changes like adding or removing buttons
  3. Optionally override certain defaults
  4. Render the toolbar with optional overrides

These instructions are a simple list of strings. For example:

  • toolbar=empty tells the system to load the empty template
  • new?contentType=Person will add a button new for the type Person
  • edit?entityId=5593 will add an edit button for the item 5593

These instructions are provided as a JSON array of strings - like this:

["toolbar=empty", "new?contentType=Person", "edit?entityId=5593"]

Examples of Build-Instructions

Every build instruction consists looks as follows:

  • "" - an empty string is valid but not very useful
  • "/this is just a comment" - a comment if you need to document something inline
  • "new" or "+new" - add a new-button
  • "-edit" - remove a button - like when slimming down a default toolbar
  • "%delete&show=true" - a button modifier - to change a default (the delete button is always hidden by default)
  • "group=my-group" or "+group=my-group" add a button-group
  • "+group=my-group&pos=2" add a button group at index 2 (so in the 3rd-position, 0-based)
  • "new-quote=new?contentType=Quote" - an identifier followed by a button name - when having multiple new buttons
  • "%more&color=red" - a modifier which changes the color of the icon

General Syntax of a Build-Instruction

The general syntax is as follows

  • (build-instruction)(&build-params optional)(?call-params optional)

Build Instructions

A build instruction consist of 1-3 parts

  • an optional prefix like
    • + to add a button or group (this is the default if no prefix is given)
    • % to modify a default thing - like change a the color of the new-button
    • - to remove a button or group from the list
    • $ for system/global things (this is the default if the command is toolbar, params or settings)
    • / a comment - like "/here comes a special add-button"
  • a command and optional addition like
    • toolbar - for setting the default toolbar template
      • toolbar=default will load the default toolbar with all standard buttons
      • toolbar=empty will load an empty toolbar without any buttons
    • settings - for configuring the toolbar settings - see below
    • params - for parameters which are used in all buttons - see below
    • group - to add a group of buttons
      • group=my-group-name gives the group a name, for placing buttons in it
      • `-group=
    • add, edit etc. - all known commands of buttons

Build Parameters (&...)

If you have a build-instruction and need to add some parameters you must separate them with an & and add the parameters in url-style, like &color=red.

Build Parameters for Toolbar (toolbar)

The toolbar currently doesn't have any additional parameters. But you can add &key=value which will be used as settings, if settings are not also provided.

Build Parameters for Settings (settings)

Settings affect how the toolbar is shown. These are the known settings:

  • color=... - specify a different button - see color
  • hover=left or =right or =none - default is right
  • class=my-class to add one or more classes to the toolbar
  • autoAddMore =
    • auto default end if right-float, start if left-float, new in 14.07.05
    • end used to be the default
    • start
    • never new v14.07.05

Build Parameters for Params (params)

Params don't have any additional settings - they only have parameters (after the ?). See below.

Build Parameters for Groups (group)

Groups currently don't have additional parameters.

👉🏼 see also Custom Toolbars: Button Groups

Build Parameters for Buttons

👉🏼 see Button UI Rules

Call Parameters (?)

Most instructions can have additional call-parameters - separated by a ?.... For example, this would create an additional + button to create a new contact:


Call Parameters for Toolbars & Settings

The toolbar and settings don't have any additional parameters. But you can use ?key=value&key2=value on the toolbar, which will be used as params if params are not provided.

Call Parameters for Params

Params at the global level will be used by all buttons. The most common params are

  • entityId=some-number - mainly used for edit, delete etc.
  • entityGuid=guid-guid-guid - mainly used for delete
  • contentType=ContentTypeName - mainly used for adding new items
  • title=some-text - mainly used to show a title when asking to delete something
  • isPublished=true|false
  • prefill:Field1=val1&prefill:Field2=val2 etc.
  • for=someKey or for=targetType,keyType,key

for list management

  • useModuleList=true|false
  • sortOrder=#

Using Prefill Parameters

Prefill parameteres are mainly used for creating new items like

add?contentType=Book&prefill:Title=This is nice title

The syntax is a bit special because you may need to add multiple prefill parameters, like:

add?contentType=Book&prefill:Title=Please enter name&prefil:Author=unknown

Since many things can go wrong with prefills, this is what you need to know

  1. All prefill parameters start with prefill: followed by the field name. The field name is case sensitive, so you'll probably have to write Title instead of title.
  2. You can use multiple prefills, like ...&prefill:Title=Hello&prefill:Intro=welcome!
  3. When using special characters which cause trouble in urls, make sure they are uriEncoded. If you do the prefill using the razor tag @Edit.Toolbar(...) or @Edit.TagToolbar(...) this happens automatically, but if you use JavaScript to prepare it, you should use encodeURIComponent to prepare the value (not the prefix prefill:...)

Special considerations for each type of field

  1. for text fields just write the text as is like prefill:Title=Todays News - remember to encode if you expect special characters. When you encode things, you can also prefill html.
  2. for number fields just use prefill:Priority=47
  3. for boolean switch fields just use prefill:UseLightbox=true
  4. for dates we suggest to use the same ISO format prefill:PublicationDate=2020-04-01 as this will always be recognized correctly. If you use another format like 4/1/2020 you risk that the UI will auto-detect the date based on the user and maybe pick the wrong number as the month.
  5. for dates with time you should really use ISO with Zulu time code like prefill:ShowFrom=2020-04-01T10:30Z. The Z at the end means that it won't adjust for time zones - otherwise the UI may show a different time.
  6. for related entities (like prefilling a category) use the target Guid, like prefill:Category=b7c1c2e1-4896-4999-a0bc-87ddf3ce31cb. As of now, you must always use the Guid, IDs are not supported because as the app is exported and re-imported, the IDs will change.
  7. to assign multiple entities (like for category fields with multiple categories), separate them with commas, like prefill:Category=b7c1c2e1-4896-4999-a0bc-87ddf3ce31cb,91753b4d-4932-4b22-af1c-f6ac2b76c67a

Using Filter Parameters

Filter parameteres are mainly used for creating dialogs which show only some items like


The syntax is a bit special because you may need to add multiple filter parameters, like:


Since many things can go wrong with filters, this is what you need to know

  1. All prefill parameters start with filter: (without an s) followed by the field name. The field name is case sensitive, so you'll probably have to write Title instead of title.
  2. You can use multiple filters, like ...&filter:Title=Hello&filter:ModuleId=52
  3. When using special characters which cause trouble in urls, make sure they are uriEncoded. If you do the prefill using the razor tag @Edit.Toolbar(...) or @Edit.TagToolbar(...) this happens automatically, but if you use JavaScript to prepare it, you should use encodeURIComponent to prepare the value (not the prefix filter:...)

Using Metadata Parameters

The metadata parameters are for creating new metadata or editing existing data. There is a short and a long syntax:

for=key - for example, for=file:930 - this will create metadata for a CMS-object with the ID file:930.

for=targetType,keyType,key like for=10,string,file:930 which has the same effect as the previous example.


Metadata buttons always also need a contentType parameter and usually an entityId parameter. So if an entity already has this metadata-assignment, the dialog will show an edit for that and not create a new one. The entityId should be 0 when no entity exists yet.

To use metadata, read more about metadata (TODO).

Read also

You should find some code examples in this demo App

  • TODO:


  1. Introduced custom Toolbars in 2sxc ca. v5
  2. Added to 2sxc 10.27 .01 in March 2020
  3. Prefill support added in 10.27 .02 in April 2020