These documentations are for versions before 15.x. They don't apply to v15+ but are kept for reference. We highly recommend that you don't use them.
DataSource API: VisualQuery Attribute
DataSources themselves are useful in the 2sxc/EAV data processing - but they really become great when used in the VisualQuery Designer.
To help the VisualQuery Designer give queues to the developer what can / can't be done, there is a VisualQuery decorator attribute which gives the class some more information.
This example is taken from our internally used SharePoint DataSource:
GlobalName = "fd5288d2-5a13-4f58-90a0-e9d207f00121",
NiceName = "SharePoint 2016",
PreviousNames = new[] { "1b7cc60d-9fac-4473-a89a-c19017995307" },
Type = DataSourceType.Source,
ExpectsDataOfType = "e5ee51da-1859-4e2b-9f4c-0ead39bbf4a6",
HelpLink = "")]
Use It
To best apply it, you should
- Check out the VisualQueryAttribute API docs
- Look at each property and make sure you understand it
- Look at some DataSources and see what they have defined
Streams Information
Determines if this DataSource expects to have a lot of In-Streams, like the StreamMerge DataSource.
Default is false
If true
the UI will indicate this with a yellow In-marker.
Determines if this DataSource can have a lot of Out-Streams like the App DataSource.
Default is false
If true
the UI will indicate this with a yellot Out-marker.
Array of In-Streams which the UI will show as prepared landing markers to connect streams to.
Name and Identity
GlobalName - the Unique Identity
The global name should be super-unique because it will be stored as the ID in Queries. We recommend you get a new random Guid here.
This will be shown in the VisualQuery UI. Make sure it's reasonable.
This is a for historical reasons. In rare cases we had to rename a DataSource and the old GlobalName values are listed here. Avoid using this.
UI Enhancements
An icon name from the Material Icons.
A value which tells the VisualQuery in what group to place this source for the Query developer. Must be a valid value from DataSourceType.
A url to a website containing help to this DataSource.
Additional text to be shown in the UI.
This is the GUID (aka StaticName) of the Content-Type which should be used for configuring the DataSource. The UI will open a edit dialog for this Content-Type when the Query creator hits Settings on this DataSource.
- Introduced ca. in 2sxc 6
- Moved from
in v15