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Data / @Data in Dynamic Code

What is Data

A 2sxc instance is a running 2sxc-engine which is about to execute some code (Razor, Token or a web service) together with some content-items which should be used in this case. These content-items are provided to the code in an object called Data.

2sxc will decide what items to deliver, based on the situation.

  1. In most cases, a Dnn-Module will show a 2sxc-template, and the content-editor will manually add items to it using the normal web-UI. In this case, these items will be tied to this use-case and 2sxc will deliver them in the Data object.

  2. In other cases, the template (or view) will be configured to get data from a query configered elsewhere. In this case, all data retrieved in the query will be provided in the same Data object.

  3. There are also cases, where a template needs both queried data (like all categories) as well as content-items added manually. There are multiple easy ways of doing this todo - document later

  4. Note: if you want all data of a type, like "Get me all Tag-items in the system" you need to use App-Data.

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Most common way to use the Data object

In all Razor-templates and also the web-api files, the Data object is already created and ready to access. Here's a code example:

<div class="app-blog">
    @foreach(var post in AsList(Data))
        // do something with the @post here
  • the foreach will loop through all items of the data in the Stream Default - read more about streams below
  • the var post is the inner variable containing the current item
  • the AsDynamic will ensure that the items we're working with are easy to code with, because they are Dynamic Entities

The Streams in a Data Object

The data object can have multiple Streams, each containing a list of items. In most cases you'll just have the Default stream, which you can access using Data["Default"]. Read more about streams in the Stream docs

But you may also have additional streams, depending on what has been configured in the data-preparation stuff (usually a VisualQuery). For example, if you are working on a view showing one product and a menu with all possible categories, then your query may have these streams:

  • Book (the current book, this stream has 1 item with the ID matching the ID in the URL)
  • Categories (all categories in the system, sorted A-Z)

The code would then look a bit like this:

var book = Data["Book"].FirstOrDefault();               // returns an IEntity Object
var cats = Data["Categories"];                          // returns an IEnumerable of iEntity objects

Or in most cases, because of the simpler syntax later on:

var book = AsDynamic(Data["Book"].FirstOrDefault());    // returns one dynamic entity
var cats = AsList(Data["Categories"]);                  // returns an IEnumerable of dynamic entities

Changing what is provided by Data

The main configuration of the template will determine, what data is initially provided to the template. Afterwards, other mechanisms can override / change this.

  1. Initial Sources
    1. Default type/list configuration - this can determine that 0, 1 or many items (of a certain type) are delivered
      if one or many are delivered, then the selection will be based on what the editor added to the module instance.
    2. VisualQuery - if the template has a query attached, this query will deliver the data
  2. Modifications to the source for the template
    1. The event CustomizeData can optionally completely reconfigure what Data contains in your code.

Data Object API

The Data object itself is actually a normal EAV IDataSource. So if you need to know more about the internals, read it up there.

All other properties of the Data object are very special use only, so you probably shouldn't bother about them - which is why they are not documented here.