Table of Contents

The docs as explained here are used in multiple projects, but documented only once for better maintenance. When applying this to other projects, remember that some things such as the name, repository, or paths are a bit different.

Markdown Basics

If you're new to wikis or github comments / documentation, you may be a bit lost when it comes to markdown.

Markdown is a simple way to format text, and it's used in many places on the internet. It's easy to learn and use, and it's a great way to format text for the web.

Here's an example:

# This is a header

This is some text. You can make text **bold** or _italic_.

* This is a list
* With some items

Refer to Markdown for how to write markdown files. Here the most important tips for people working with this:

Use Markdown Linting

To make sure your markdown is well-formatted, you can use a linter. A linter is a tool that checks your code for errors and formatting issues.

For our setup, we recommend the the Markdown Lint extension.

💡 The linter should already be installed if you followed the basic setup instructions.

Markdown for Text

I think the most important things you need to know are these.

  • Headers have 1-6 hashes in front, like ## Header 2
  • bold uses two * chars around the text, _italic_ uses one _ char
  • escape chars with the \ slash (so any character right after a \ is shown and doesn't format)
  • Linking has many options, better read the manuals
  • Lists have many options, better read the manuals
  • Images use a ![alt-text](/assets/path/file.ext) syntax
  • Note that line-breaks usually don't cause a line-break in the result (except in code-samples). You can enforce a simple line break by adding two spaces at the end of a line like "check out: " (two spaces after the ":")
  1. Link to a website [website](
  2. Link to another page [page](./
  3. Link to some namespace [](xref:ToSxc.Eav.Data) - will automatically pick the name of the target
  4. Link to a class [](xref:ToSxc.Eav.Data.IEntity)

Markdown Checklists (IFrame)

If you want to add checklists like this example, just use this checklist 😎

Markdown Videos


Main Author

Daniel Mettler, @iJungleboy [MS MVP, Oqtane Core Team]

Content Management Expert, Chief Architect of 2sxc and cre8magic.
Forged in the jungles of Indonesia, lives in Switzerland , loves Oqtane 🩸 & 2sxc 💜.

LinkedIn | Discord: @iJungleboy | Twitter: @iJungleboy | Github: @iJungleboy