Table of Contents

Dnn System Features

Dnn comes with a lot of features pre-installed. Others can be installed later on, as needed.


2sxc 17 requires C# v8.

This will be pre-installed in Dnn 10, but for Dnn 9.6.1+ you need to install it manually.

For this specific issue, please check

Sometimes you may install an App which requires an additional capability. This page should guide you through installing them if you're stuck. Look for the code you received, such as System-CSharp08 to find the instruction.

Additional System Capabilities

The following are are capabilities which may or may not be pre-installed.

C# v6 to v8 - System-CSharp06 to System-CSharp08

Dnn v.7.x - 9.x all include C# 5, but not C# 6+. C# 6 was once installed by default, but was reset to include but not auto-install because of issues with the hosting provider GoDaddy.

Depending on your Dnn version, it has a different CodeDom / CSharp Compiler prepared for you:

  • Dnn 9.6.1 has prepared the CodeDom v2.0.1 containing C# 6 for .net 4.5
  • Dnn ca. 9.10+ has C# 7.3 and C# 8 (called CodeDom 3.6)

If you're on Dnn 9.6.1, you can install C# 8 manually. See

Preinstalled System Capabilities

The following are always available in every Dnn:

  • System-NetFramework
  • System-Razor
  • System-CSharp05

Optional System Capabilities

  • System-CSharp06
  • System-CSharp07
  • System-CSharp08

Unavailable System Capabilities

The following are listed just to clarify that they currently don't exist in DNN and probably cannot be added in any feasible way.

  • System-CSharp09 .net 5 (core)
  • System-CSharp10 .net 6 (core)
  • System-CSharp11 .net 7 (core)
  • System-CSharp12 .net 8 (core)
  • System-NetCore Dnn is .net Framework only as of now
  • System-Blazor requires .net Core v3+; works in Oqtane
